Friday, March 4, 2011

Snack Time!!!!

Children love to snack between meals. Some snacks can be nutritious and some snacks should just be left on the shelf at the store. Children are given snacks between meals, to be kept busy and occasionally as a reward for doing something good. The toddler years are the best time to introduce healthy food to children. This can be done by nutritious meals and snacks. There are a wide variety of healthy snacks you can offer your toddler.

Three of the major categories you should choose from are dairy, grains, fruits and vegetables.

Dairy: Whole and low-fat milk products provide a portion of that fat while also giving toddlers the calcium, protein and vitamins they need for bone and tooth growth, muscle contraction and regulation of body fat and blood sugar. Snacks that provide healthy dairy calories include fruit yogurt and cubes of any kind of cheese. String cheese is available in a variety of flavors and provides a fun way to get kids to eat healthy snacks. They are very easy to grab for a quick snack. Yogurt marketed for children usually contains added sugar and flavorings and typically is more expensive than plain yogurt sold in large containers, which is just as nutritious for kids. You can add fruit such as applesauce and peaches to plain yogurt for a nutritious snack.

Grains: Toddlers still can be at risk for choking, so you should avoid snacks consisting of small grains such as popcorn, peanuts and seeds. Whole grain crackers, muffins, bread and bagels are effective snack foods to get your child to eat the recommended six servings of grains she needs each day. Creamy peanut butter on crackers or a half bagel is a popular snack food with toddlers. Cream cheese or jelly can also be spread. Combine other healthy foods with whole grains such as spreading cream cheese on crackers, adding fruit to 1/2 cup of oatmeal for a nutritious snack and giving toddlers whole grain snack bars with a glass of milk.

Fruits and Vegetables: Parents serve as role models for children. Adults who snack on a bag of chips or a candy bar set a poor example for easily influenced toddlers who need about four servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Instead, influence your kids by sharing an apple, pear or cantaloupe with them. Serve a small helping of yogurt with the fruit for a well-balanced snack. Cut up vegetables such as carrots, broccoli and green peppers for snacks kids can easily grab on the run. These vegetables can be cut up ahead of time and left in the refrigerator for a quick grab on the run. Snacks can be effective ways of providing nutrition that you have trouble forcing your kids to eat at mealtimes.

Two recipes for on the go snacks are:





dried fruits

cereal rings (Cheerios, Gorilla Munch, Barbara's Puffins etc.)

Carob or yogurt chips

roasted soy "nuts"

** Mix only those food items that you find appropriate for your Toddler**

ANTS ON A LOG - An Old Favorite

Celery sticks filled with either

peanut butter, cream cheese or hummus

and topped with raisins, apple dices, seeds, nuts, banana dices etc.

These are great snacks for Toddlers! Many toddlers will just eat the "filling" and the raisins, which is just fine! Ensure what you add is appropriate for your Toddler


  1. I like your blog post, for all of us who have kids it's hard to find ideas of nutrious snacks vs. quick snacks such as junk food. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Very useful.


  2. I like some of your ideas for snacks. I ty to make snacks mini meals and stay away from processed and sugary foods.

  3. Good nutrition is important to toddlers and teenagers as well. I think the healthy snack ideas that you shared would work for "Teens on the go" as well. Good job!

  4. I agree it is hard to find nutritional snacks at the grocery store.I am always trying to find nutritional snacks for my six year old after school and between meals.Your information was vey helpful.

  5. It is great to give your kids healthy snacks, junk food will only develop a craving for more of that food throughout the child's life. I love granola bars. I think that you did very well giving your information. Good ideas.
    Kendra McCracken

  6. Thank you all for your comments. When snacking it is hard not to grab that bag of chips and go. I hope some of these ideas help any age
    Christina C

  7. Snacks are a big part of kids' diets so it is important that they eat healthy ones. I like that you give examples of what snacks you can make out of healthy foods. Nice job.
    Samantha Cribbs
