Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's for Lunch?

By: Christina C
Toddlers are attempting to gain independence from the start. One way they try to do this is through their eating habits. Toddlers learn to eat healthy by what you as a parent serve them. If they are only offered unhealthy things then that is what they will continue to select as a choice for themselves. Picky eaters do not have to skip out on nutrition because they will not try something. Toddlers gain knowledge of nutrition by watching the parent and by trying new things. Lunchtime can be a fun, entertaining way to incorporate different foods. Creativity is key not only at lunchtime but at any meal time.

A large majority of toddlers love pizza and not all pizza is healthy. A fun, healthy way to serve pizza is to prepare it on a whole grain English muffin. Vegetables can be placed on the pizza with cheese and sauce. If a picky eater will not eat pizza because there are “those gross green things” on there, try putting the vegetables under the cheese. Another way is to chop the vegetables until in can be mixed in with the sauce.

Hot dogs seem to be the go to for a lunch option. Hot dogs can be cut up in bite size pieces then wrapped in a crescent roll and baked. Cheese can be added inside the roll or inside the sliced hotdog. Vegetables can be also finely chopped and baked in crescent roll or in the hot dog.

Sandwiches are great for on the go. To make sandwiches just a little different, avocado, hummus or cream cheese can be used as a spread. Bread can be shaped into a toddler’s favorite character by using a cookie cutter. If a parent does not want to use deli meat for a sandwich, try spreading cream cheese on the bread and adding sliced cucumbers. Peanut butter and jelly is an all time favorite sandwich for children of any age. If you as a parent are tired of making them add something to them. Bacon, lettuce, tomato or honey can be added for a different flavor.

Macaroni and cheese is a great staple food because it is easy to eat. Frozen or canned vegetables can be mixed in to the macaroni and cheese making it an all around good meal.

When toddlers learn to dip there seems to be no stopping them. They want to dip everything into something. There are many different things that fruit or vegetables can be dipped into. Yogurt or a salad dressing can be used for vegetables. Yogurt or whole fruit dip can be used for fresh fruit. Peanut butter, hummus, cream cheese or avocado can be used for either fruit or vegetables.

Pumpkin, banana or zucchini bread can be a great alternative to regular bread for different sandwiches. These types of breads are a good source of vitamin A. They can also just be served alone with butter spread on and fruit or vegetable as a side.

The key to any toddler meal or snack is being creative enough to get the toddler to eat it. Try it more than once you may get a positive reaction the second time around.

Different recipes ideas can be found at:


Work Cited:

Healthy and Easy Lunches for Toddlers


Cited: 2011 Retrieved: April 4, 2011

Lunch Ideas for Toddlers


Cited: 2011 Retrieved: April 4, 2011

Lunch Recipes For Toddlers


Cited: 2010 Retrieved: April 4, 2011

Six Easy Healthy Recipes for a Toddlers Lunch


Cited: 2011 Retrieved: April 4, 2011


  1. Christina,

    Good blog and information. I like that you provided several examples for foods to give to kids and make it a balanced meal. I had to try the mac and cheese with veg mixed in and it does taste okay. I love pumpkin bread, I also make pumpkin gobs and taste great. Great blog.

    Don Findley

  2. Christina,
    Great blog vry informative good job.
    Jaycin Firestone

  3. Christina,

    Good job. It is never too early to teach good nutrition. I believe children will mirror the eating habits taught when they are toddlers. Let's hope for that.
    Tina D.

  4. Great ideas I never thought of putting the vegetables under the cheese.

  5. Christina,

    It is so hard to get kids to eat healthy. I feel like they always want to eat what others are eating around them. I love all your different ideas and how you mix things together.

    Melissa Stickney

  6. Christina,
    Good information and I like the examples you give. Nice job.

  7. Christina,

    I thought this blog was very well done. It is always better to start early than late, right? Teaching good nutrition to your kids when they are young is a surefire way to make sure they lead a nutritious lifestyle.

    Great Post,
    Richard Jordan

  8. Christina,

    I never thought of any of these ideas, my daughter is a very picker eater and likes her snacks, thanks for providing this information, good work.

